Travel… a dream?

posted in: Italy | 5

Sometimes I wonder about my dream to travel the world. I love visiting new countries and experiencing new cultures, but I don’t love the before and after, I don’t love the travel. Sometimes it can be great, and other times not so great. But there is one thing about travel that stays the same: its unpredictability.


The amount of time that I’ve spent in airports is much more that I’d like, and yesterday was no exception. My flight landed 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled arrival time, but due to some misunderstandings, I did not end up leaving the airport until 5 hours later and took a bus last-minute without knowing which stop to get off at or whether anyone would be at the other end to pick me up.

I really had to trust that God was watching over me. I had to give up the control I wanted and trust Him, and know that He is in control. While I sat on the bus, feeling anxious and afraid, I told God that I did trust Him. And it was then that I felt His peace, when I gave everything into His hands.


Another reason I often dislike travel is that you are always leaving something or someone behind. And though you are also going to new people and new places, the fact that they are new makes them unknown and in a way, scary.

Yesterday, saying goodbye was difficult. Not only was it hard because I was saying goodbye to my family whom I will dearly miss, but it was also hard to say goodbye to the known and sacrifice my comfort zone for the adventure of the unknown.


Even with all those things, I still love to travel. Why? Because the rewards are so much greater than the difficulties. I would gladly skip all the pain and stress of travel, but I know that the experiences are that much more rewarding for the work that it takes to get there. Now, if you had asked me yesterday, my answer may have been different!


After a couple of hours, the bus stopped at the first stop and I saw that it was a dark road with not much around. I didn’t have a phone and would have no way of contacting anyone. I decided to stay on the bus even if this was my stop, and wait until the bus stopped in hopefully a better area. Thankfully, the person I was meeting was waiting for me and came on the bus to make sure I got off, and I did arrive safely last night, and though there was potential for more problems, the rest of my trip went smoothly.
Window View
This morning I woke up to a beautiful view out my window of a snow-covered village in a valley beneath the Italian alps.
Village in Italy
After breakfast, I went for a walk up the mountain road and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the sparkling snow. It was a gorgeous day and very different from my experiences yesterday. The change and adjustment is still hard, but the sunrise reminded me that it is worth it.
Village Church



The Village Church – a quick drawing from my bedroom window.


5 Responses

  1. claudia

    Praying for God’s voice and heart to be heard in this time and may He bless you with His presence and peace!

  2. Kathy Schultz

    Thanks for inviting me to your website. What a blessing to read your posts and see your work.
    Just added 8 sets of footprints to the ceiling………and always think of you and tell my students about you. Joshua 1:8,9

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